Personal Injury Lawyers
Tampa, Florida

FAQ About Truck Accidents

Answers you can trust from an experienced Tampa attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident caused by an 18-wheeler, tractor-trailer, semi or another type of commercial truck, you likely have a lot of questions. Finding accurate information can sometimes be a challenge, though. That’s why important to talk to someone you can trust who knows the law and understands how the legal system works.

Tampa truck accident lawyer Armando Edmiston can answer your questions and explain your legal rights. That’s because he and his legal team at Armando Personal Injury Law have years of experience handling such complex cases. We’re familiar with the obstacles that often come up, and know how deal with them effectively. We will demand the compensation that you deserve.

What is your truck accident question?

You may wonder what to do after a truck accident. Below, you’ll find the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about commercial truck accidents. Each answer is based on attorney Armando’s extensive experience dealing with serious truck accidents in the Tampa area.

Don’t see your question listed above? Don’t worry. And even if you do, we strongly urge you to make an appointment with Armando Personal Injury Law to talk about your potential legal case. Each truck accident is unique and often presents different challenges. That’s why it’s important to understand your legal options before making any important decisions.

Get the help you need from an accident lawyer who gets results

The clock is ticking after your truck accident. In most cases, you only have a limited amount of time to take legal action after your truck accident in Florida. Make sure you make your case matter. Contact Armando Personal Injury Law and schedule your free case evaluation today.

Should I contact the police after my truck accident?

Yes. You should call the police. Truck accidents involving other vehicles are often very serious. Having an official police report for your Tampa accident may also likely make dealing with insurance companies easier after your crash. That’s because insurance companies carefully review accident reports when trying to decide how to compensate accident victims after their accident.

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Who investigates commercial truck accidents?

Local police or state police will likely investigate your accident, but the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) may also investigate your commercial truck accident depending on the circumstances. That’s why it’s critical that you have an experienced truck accident attorney on your side who’s familiar with these complex legal cases.

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Should I see a doctor after my truck accident?

Yes. There are several reasons why you should have a doctor examine you after your truck accident. First, you could be seriously injured and need immediate medical attention. Second, insurance companies carefully review medical records when determining who and how much to compensate after a truck accident. If you don’t have a medical record of your injury, insurance companies may deny your accident claim.

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Should I talk to the driver who caused my truck accident?

You don’t have to talk to the trucker who caused your accident. If you decide to do so, simply get the trucker’s name, address, phone number, insurance provider and the name and address of the trucking company the driver works for. Anything you say to the driver who’s at fault could be used to deny your truck accident claim.

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Should I talk to the truck driver’s insurance company after my accident?

No. No matter how innocent the truck driver’s insurance company’s questions may sound, they’re likely just fishing for information to use to deny your legitimate truck accident claim. If the trucker’s insurance company contacts you, tell them to talk to us. We know the games they play and how to deal with them.

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Should I talk to the trucking company after my accident?

No. Here again, the trucking company likely has one goal – to use your words against you and to try to pay you as little as possible after your accident. That’s why we want to help you. We have years of experience dealing with trucking companies. We know what to say and how to find the facts that matter.

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Should I talk to the truck driver’s attorney after my accident?

No. The truck driver’s attorney will likely ask you questions which seem innocent and straightforward – but the reality is some lawyers who represent truckers or the trucking company they work for play fast and loose with the facts. They’ll likely try to twist your words around so that it sounds like you were the one who caused your collision. We know how to deal with other attorneys and make sure your facts about your case are heard loud and clear.

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Should I accept a settlement offer for my truck accident?

Always be suspicious of trucking companies or insurance companies that want to settle truck accident claims right away. What might seem like a fair settlement offer at first may not even come close to covering all your truck accident-related expenses. They want you to believe what they are offering is an average settlement, when that is usually not the case. That’s why we want to help you review your accident claim before agreeing to accept any offer.

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How much is my truck accident worth?

There’s no set dollar amount when it comes to truck accident claims. Some truck accidents may be worth a few thousand dollars. Others may be worth millions. That’s why it’s important to talk with a truck accident attorney as soon as possible after your crash.

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What can I be compensated for after my accident?

In general, you should be eligible to be compensated for all your truck accident-related expenses, which may include:

  • Emergency medical care
  • Surgical procedures
  • Follow-up medical care
  • Physical therapy
  • Lost income while recovering
  • Lost future income, if cannot return to work for an extended period
  • Home nursing care, if necessary
  • Home modifications, if you have a permanent disability due to a truck accident

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Should I file a truck accident lawsuit?

Sometimes, filing a lawsuit after a truck accident is the best way to obtain the financial compensation you need and deserve for your accident-related expenses. It isn’t the only way to obtain compensation. That’s why it’s important to talk to an attorney about all the options available to you.

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How long does it normally take to file a truck accident lawsuit?

It normally takes our law firm three days to file a lawsuit once someone has contacted us. Each case is different, however, and that’s why we strongly urge you to contact our law firm right away after your accident.

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Is there a deadline in Florida to take legal action after my truck accident?

Yes. In most cases, you have two years from the date of your truck accident to file an injury lawsuit or two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death lawsuit in Florida. This deadline (known as the statute of limitations) might seem like they give you a long time, but the sooner you contact our law firm, the better. Evidence can disappear over time. Memories can fade. We can act fast to gather the facts that matter to build the strongest possible legal case.

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Should I hire an attorney if a truck driver caused my truck accident?

Yes. We strongly believe that having an experienced, truck accident lawyer can often make a dramatic difference in the outcome of your case. An attorney can independently investigate your accident and make sure that your best interests come first. They can help answer questions and obtain evidence like your accident report. Remember, the police officers and law enforcement officials investigating your accident only care about finding out what happened. We want to make sure your voice is heard loud and clear and that your accident receives the attention it rightfully deserves.

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